SGS-TÜV Saar – Certified Functional Safety Application Expert (CFSAE) Training

Course Information

The standards regarding Functional Safety as well as the European Machinery Directive and Australian and New Zealand OH&S law, demand that persons and organisations performing responsible (accountable) tasks during the life cycle phase of a machine have to acquire and be able to prove their competency in machinery safety.

Within this training, the requirements for the design as well as the proof of functional safety for machinery applications are described and discussed in detail based on the relevant current standards. 

The procedure for the selection of protective devices for machinery in order to achieve the required risk reduction is shown. Examples of safety functions are explained. The main requirements of ISO 13849 and IEC 62061 for the design of safety related parts of machine control systems are presented and application examples illustrating the quantitative assessment of safety functions are discussed.

Duration                                          Pricing (excl. GST) per Person

Seminar only: 4 days -----------------  A$ 4,581.50 (Part no.: 1610643)
With exam: 4 1/2 days ---------------- A$ 561.00 (Part no.: 1612592)

Eligibility Requirements

In order to participate in the program, we suggest applicants should have a minimum of three year’s experience in the field of functional safety of machinery and be knowledgeable on the international standards as mentioned above. When you register your interest to participate, a registration and eligibility form will be provided for you to complete. Your eligibility will be assessed and if necessary, discussed with you.

About the exam

The exam consists of 70 multiple choice questions and 10 open questions. The standards ISO 13849 part 1 and 2 and IEC 62061 are essential working material for the exam. Hard copies of these should be brought along by participants. Soft copies of any reference material and computers/tablets/phones etc. are not allowed in the exam. It is suggested that participants are familiar with the European Machinery Directive which is available for download from the European Union Law website. Additionally a calculator should be brought along for some calculations. Other standards you should have a good working knowledge of and should have available for reference are ISO 12100, ISO 13854, ISO 13855 & ISO 13857 or their relevant AS or AS/NZS equivalents. SICK's very valuable "Guide for Safe Machinery" will be provided as part of the preparation material.
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" I found the course very beneficial and filled in a few knowledge gaps as well as reinforcing areas with which I was reasonably familiar.  The extended online training was worthwhile, and this definitely improves the chances of getting through the exam.  Thanks to Gary (SICK certified trainer) for his calm, methodical approach to covering the material and sharing his in-depth knowledge on all topics.  I have already recommended the course to others with functional safety duties." - Andrew Baker, Electrical Engineer at Godfrey Hirst Australia


Day 1

European legislation: What is an EU Directive?

Benefits of technical standards and standardization

Strategy for risk assessment and risk reduction (ISO 12100)

Safeguarding and complementary protective measures

Day 2

Requirements for the design of fixed and movable guards

Application of protective devices

Determining minimum distances of safeguards

Miscellaneous protective measures

Day 3

Integrating protective devices into control systems

Technical and organizational measures for safety-related systems

Principles for the design of safety-related parts of the control system (SRP/CS) acc. to ISO 13849-1

Principles for the design of safety-related electrical control systems (SRECS) acc. to IEC 62061

Day 4

Requirements for safety-related application software

Principles for verification and validation (ISO 13849-2)

Quantification of SRP/CS acc. to ISO 13849-1

Quantification of SRECS acc. to IEC 62061